Monday, 20 July 2015


Business is something that I am really passionate about.I believe that all individuals should start doing some form of business from an early age.I was attracted to business because I could be my own boss,I won't have to toil all day to make someone else richer and get the leftovers as a salary.The world of money attracts me.People call it greed,I prefer to call it desire.
       Whether you like it or not our status in the society is determined by the amount of money that we earn.People expect us to get a "good job",but what do they mean by a good job?,ofcourse a job that gives you a high salary!But the society being narrow minded always feels that these jobs are limited to engineering,medical or banking fields.But who are these engineers and bankers working for?Who are the people who pay there salaries?How did these people get there?Why can't I be the person who provides people their salaries instead of being the one who receives the salary?These are the questions that the society and the students are not  asking.
       Parents are always of the opinion that business is not for the fainthearted and it involves a great deal of risk and luck,sure it is risky,sure one has to be lucky in business,but what is life without even a bit of risk and luck?I wish that if I ever become bankrupt it should before the age of 30 as it is better than being bankrupt when you have a family.A successful business man is one who is successful in minimising the risk factor in his or her business.For that he or she should forever be in the pursuit of knowledge for all sources possible.He should be an avid reader,a key follower of national and international politics,as these have high impact on trade,he should be able to think in ways that others cannot.
      Men like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are my inspiration because they are people who faced extreme adversity and triumphed against it.
Those people have enough money to give loans to countries yet they never stop working.It is their passion for business which keeps them going.Hence it is important for young aspiring business men to have an immense passion in business.I increased my burning passion for business by reading books such as "Rich Dad Poor Dad"by Robert Kiosaki,"Losing my virginity" by Richard Branson 
,"The Monk who sold his Ferrari" by Robin Sharma,","How I Braved Anu Anty and Co founded my Million Dollar Company" by Varun Agarwal and others books.I highly recommend these books to anyone aspiring to  be a businessman.
     Finally the ups and downs of doing business gives me an adrenaline rush that is hard to explain.      


  1. Different view about money. Openly accepting negative aspects of business too. Expecting more posts from you.

  2. Good article. I like the way you think. Its different from others point of view. Moreover you know both the negative and positive side of business. Expecting more articles which can inspire people. Once again,well written.

  3. i can relate to dis article

  4. You said the way the society thinks about business. People are not wiling to take risks in their life. Only those people will succeed in life who have the courage to take risks.
